2024 (9)
2023 (40)
08 (9)
- Adding custom data to Azure Active Directory users
- Cleaning up Azure Container Registry
- DEX - attempt to use it as auth for services-1▼
- dotnet api dealing with huge json
- Kubernetes OpenId Connect auth between services
- Subscribe to Azure Active Directory changes
- GitHub Token Exchanger
- WebAuthn
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect journey
01 (10)
- Azure Kubernetes (AKS) - add label to existing node pool-20▼
- nginx alpine run shell script16▲
- dotnet preconfigured console application
- dotnet roslyn sql repository genertor
- Kubernetes create RBAC user for kubectl
- Running WireGuard inside Kubernetes8▲
- Talking to Microsoft Graph API or how to retrieve AAD users
- Export Octopus Deploy History as CSV
- RSA and AES between the browser and the server
- SQL Server Change Tracking Example
2022 (50)
11 (14)
- Producing and consuming chunked ndjson-14▼
- docker hub api list image tags
- DotNet HttpClient Cache-6▼
- dotnet polly policies for http resilient http client (retry, circuit breaker, timeout)-6▼
- dotnet package visibility
- dotnet distributed redis cache with in memory fallback38▲
- wrapper to send logs of any program to bigquery
- GitHub Actions Runner in Kubernetes without Cert-manager
- JavaScript Proxy
- CoreDNS custom wildcard domain for internal ingress1▲
- Logstash decode mail message subject
- MacOS use TouchID for sudo
- Octopus Deploy self-hosted worker in Kubernetes
- openssl ca, key, csr, crt and san
10 (17)
- EF Core AsSplitQuery Demo
- Cytoscape.js library to render graphs
- docker api
- dotnet appsettings reload
- dotnet http logging
- dotnet client side sql join
- ElasticSearch fix number of replicas
- go gitignore
- HTML Agility Pack nodejs alternative jsdom
- Grafana Loki API
- HTTP Compression
- kubernetes ingress ab test
- ingress external ip
- kubectl cheatsheet
- node.js read non utf-8 http response
- plantuml render to svg-1▼
- Kubernetes Windows node exporter
2021 (26)
11 (16)
- CloudFlare SSL/TSL Modes and How to Use Them
- and github actions controller
- Nginx Ingress Controller in Docker for Windows
- Adding custom fields to Markdown Remark nodes
- Google Webmaster Search Console API
- Kubernetes Ingress behind Cloudflare Access
- Ingress Allow Access Only From Certain IP Addresses25▲
- Kafka SASL SSL authentication like in Confluent
- OAuth2 Proxy in Kubernetes-16▼
- Kubernetes Shell Operator by Flant demo
- Kubernetes spread pods evenly accross nodes
- openssl ca, key, csr and crt
- SonarCloud register GitHub repository via API47▲
- ssmtp - simple mail forward
- Sync Files Between Devices With Ignore List
- Wordpress Webhooks to Sync Posts
2020 (3)
2019 (1)
06 (1)
2015 (30)
09 (1)
04 (10)
- NDepend find unused controls in ASP.NET WebForms site
- Automapper example
- Check HTML markup in ResX files
- PowerShell ConvertTo-Markdown
- PowerShell Invoke-SqlCmd ConvertTo-Json18▲
- Pygmentize on Windows with custom colorscheme
- StackOverflow PowerShell API Clien Sample
- StoreFront Child Theme
- WooCommerce Categories Menu with Images
- Wordpress Custom Post Type with Required Unique Custom Field
01 (1)
2014 (31)
08 (1)
06 (1)
05 (1)
02 (1)
2013 (31)
12 (1)
01 (17)
- Bash shortcut keys
- Fill MySQL calendar table
- Return jQuery.browser back
- jQuery UI dialog callback
- jQuery UI knockout dialog
- jQuery UI override selectable to work with shift key
- Knockout.js model inheritance
- Knockout.js, jQuery UI, editable observableArray list
- Knockout.js multiple models editable list
- MySQL many-to-many stored procedure
- MySQL triggers example
- MySQL payment table analysis
- php-amqplib example10▲
- NLTK samples
- PHP console
- pymorphy
- Ubuntu as VPN server
2012 (38)
2011 (129)
07 (14)
- C# custom App.config sections10▲
- C# FANN example — распознавание с использованием нейронной сети
- C# plurarize/singularize english word
- C# XmlSerializer XSL
- Drupal import nodes with cck image field and taxonomies
- Drupal programmatically create translated node from external php script
- Drupal tiny input formats
- Drupal wysiwyg CodeMirror
- Drupal wysiwyg with imagebrowser and shadowbox
- jQuery unwrap links
- Nlog different layouts for logs and event context custom data18▲
- Google app engine and Yahoo Pipes — fetch page web service
- WordPress multisite
- Yahoo pipes get one item per day
06 (12)
- drupal 6 tpl for module
- Drupal alter node form - move taxonomy fields
- Drupal custom breadcrumbs
- Drupal programmaticaly sync CCK fileds between nodes
- Drupal views sort links
- Embed picasa albums into wordpress plugin
- Fixing a MySQL Character Encoding Mismatch
- jQuery counter plugin
- Lamp server backup
- MySQL drop all tables in database
- FB generate qr vcard code from profile app
- Zend gData retrive picasa albums and their photos
03 (15)
- Asp.Net list storedprocedure params
- api
- Drupal theming node teaser
- ExtJs global timeout
- Htaccess block by ip
- iframe auto height
- php easiest plural form ever
- Php tabbed text tree parser
- Poedit
- PowerShell IIS mass site bindings change ip
- Ubuntu configure DNS for development enviroment
- Ubuntu devenv
- Ubuntu configure Mass Virtual hosting
- Ubuntu memory usage by processes
- Windows Shedule task on DHCP ip change
02 (22)
- ExtJs store response generator
- string to Type
- C# string join array of objects
- Drupal dump form
- Extjs remember grid state in cookies
- ExtJs ajax request, json and masking
- Flash Action Script 3 desaturate image
- ExtJs store this.fields.get(field) is undefined
- T in c#
- JavaScriptSerializer serrialize any object
- MySql create toor user
- MySql import huge value
- Php include file but do not print anything
- PowerShell run self signed scripts
- PowerShell shedule restore backup on localhost
- Timer for console batch operations
- TortoiseSvn and Jira
- Windows 7 add virtual network cards
- Ubuntu (un)zip
- Windows 7 iis 7.5 listen specific ip and port
- WordPress batch rename title by categories
- Xampp alias
01 (31)
- C# user settings
- call drupal 7 api outside drupal
- Compass IE filter AlphaImageLoader
- Compass & SCSS
- ExtJs grid cell tooltip and messagebox39▲
- Generate WordPress Entities
- ExtJs grid filter
- Hosts editor
- Modify wordpress admin
- MySQL insert with existing id
- MySQL queries 2 create user and db
- mysql from c#
- Netbeans php foreach intellisense
- Netbeans php generate getters setters constructor etc
- Northwind for MySQL
- php new line
- php normal gaussian distribution min max
- Ubuntu configure network
- Сравнение двух текстов на уникальность
- Ubuntu Desktop easiest LAMP
- Ubuntu unzip
- What affter effects can do…
- Wikipedia search
- wp generate pages
- WordPress custom taxonomy dropdown
- Zend application.ini database connection
- WordPress widget display random pages by parent
- zend simplest crud
- Zend simplest auth
- XPath
- XAMPP use Virtual Host but keep localhost
2010 (90)
12 (90)
- 100% Flash background
- Add jQuery to any page
- AS3 cursor pointer
- ASP.Net Clear OutputCache
- Google Analytics Browsers stats
- ASP.Net MsSQL DataBase CRUD examples
- page title and meta description from cs
- Asp.Net проверка MX домена
- C# convert rtf to txt using word
- C# Abstract Factory
- c# gdata analytics
- C# linq count distinct-21▼
- C# Linq on DataColumnCollection35▲
- C# LogParser
- C# Render WebControl to string
- C# Work with Services
- Check what PID is listening port
- cmd shutdown sleep
- css ie6 png
- Curl first login then get example
- DokuWiki YouTube plugin
- Drupal Locale Block
- Drupal theming
- Editarea – wysiwyg для кода
- Extend YUI
- ExtJS RowEditor not editable fields renderer
- Firefox vkontakte share button
- Gdata analytics dates range
- generate queries via queries
- Google charts
- Google map custom infoWindow
- Highilight line in textarea
- IE6 iFrame Cookies
- IIS Log Parser
- highlight.js и код в wordpress и других приложениях
- Javascript Diff
- Javascript window dimensions
- jQuery custom events
- Keyword phrases
- Modx Anithing rating & menuindex
- ModX Google Map TV
- mssql crud generator
- MsSQL Limit, Offset
- MsSql Unix time
- MySQL import large dumps
- MySql profiling
- MySQL – версионирование базы данных
- .net gData analytics
- .Net overwrite(extend) array
- .Net паралельное выполнение задач
- .net simple «Did You mean» corrector
- .Net SortedSet
- php DOMDocument print tree
- php gettext
- php zend gdata analytics
- php нейронная сеть
- Плагин EditArea для ModX
- Популярность языков программирования
- PowerShell Excell example
- PowerShell IE open page, inject jQuery, run code
- PowerShell parse RSS
- PowerShell progress bar
- PowerShell RSS reader
- PowerShell send email1▲
- Превью рисунки в WordPress 2.9+
- Regex for div and it content
- RegExp to highlight word in html
- remote service control from cmd
- reStructuredText
- Sass, Scss, Less, Haml
- Создание плагина EditArea для ModX
- Статистика использования кодировок
- Textarea tab
- UPC - visa/mastercard payment
- Uploadify в ModX
- User agents list
- WindowsMobile send SMS
- WinForms WebBrowser DocumentCompleted
- WordPress custom post content widget
- WordPress – добавляем аватар автора к статье
- XAMPP Pear
- YUI CSS Framework
- YUI custom events
- YUI DataTable Custom CellEditor
- YUI RecordSet Events
- YUI recordset events
- Zend Auto Loader
- Zend gdata analytics get next results set
- Zend Partial
- Zend PDF
- Run ASP.NET WebForms site in Kubernetes42▲
- ExtJs grid cell tooltip and messagebox39▲
- Cloudflare Worker talk to Google Sheets3▲
- TortoiseSVN Force UTF-8-9▼
- Interactive Brokers Google Sheets
- CoreDNS custom wildcard domain for internal ingress1▲
- Producing and consuming chunked ndjson-14▼
- Xunit custom traits for categories29▲
- node_exporter metrics-1▼
- nginx powershell30▲
- PowerShell List IIS Web Requests10▲
- ESXi Cloud Init Bootstrap Ubuntu16▲
- Dealing with XML in SQL Server and C#-21▼
- Golang WireGuard Console Client from scratch-2▼
- Kafka Prometheus Exporter
- PowerShell List Memory Usage by IIS Application Pools-14▼
- C# Linq on DataColumnCollection35▲
- SharePoint REST API PowerShell Update Page Content4▲
- ESXi Create VM from Shell10▲
- PowerShell Invoke-SqlCmd ConvertTo-Json18▲
- fix for docker build on macos - graphql-kit/graphql-voyager
- regex - rabotaua/Rabota.SqlClient
- Eslint9 - rabotaua/actions-version
- steps - rabotaua/actions-graphql
- path - rabotaua/actions-graphql
- rover - rabotaua/actions-graphql
- downgrade node to v16 because of apollo service check - rabotaua/actions-graphql
- bump - rabotaua/actions-graphql
- github app: generate jwt with powershell - github/docs
- dependabot - rabotaua/actions-version
Some github stats:125
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and here are languages I'm used to code with for last month according to wakatime report
I'm coding in
I'm coding on