Apache Solr for multiple sites

After some researches get working Apache Solr instance.


Here is briew commands that will run two solr instances.

sudo apt-get install tomcat7
wget http://apache.vc.ukrtel.net//lucene/solr/3.4.0/apache-solr-3.4.0.zip
unzip apache-solr-3.4.0.zip
cp -R apache-solr-3.4.0/example/solr/ ~/example1
cp -R apache-solr-3.4.0/example/solr/ ~/example2
sudo chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 example1
sudo chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 example2
sudo cp apache-solr-3.4.0/dist/apache-solr-3.4.0.war /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/solr.war
sudo touch /etc/tomcat7/Catalina/localhost/example1.xml
    <Context docBase="/usr/share/tomcat7/lib/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
        <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/home/mac/example1" override="true" />
sudo touch /etc/tomcat7/Catalina/localhost/example2.xml
    <Context docBase="/usr/share/tomcat7/lib/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
        <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/home/mac/example2" override="true" />
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart

now u can open: http://localhost:8080/example1/admin/ and http://localhost:8080/example2/admin/

Do not copy solr.war into webapps, instead copy it to tomcat lib folder. To find it use something like this:

sudo find / -name lib -type d | grep tomcat

Do not forget to paste correct docBase it must point to solr.war. Actualy all you need to do is change Enviroment.value, and nothing else, that must point to copied example/solr folder. Also do not forget that tomcat must have access to it.

If you running Windows with xampp:

Copy example/solr anywhere you want.

Copy solr.war to C:\xampp\tomcat\lib.

XML config files are stored in C:\xampp\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost folder.

Example of XML file:

<Context docBase="C:\xampp\tomcat\lib\solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
    <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="C:\xampp\htdocs\solr\example1" override="true" />

To restrict access add valve to context, something like this:

<Context docBase="/usr/share/tomcat6/lib/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/var/tomcat/example1" override="true" />
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="127\.0\.0\.1"/>

More info can be found here: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.html

Also this can be done via firewall.

Also there is realms in tomcat, but i can not find solution for them. All examples require changing web.xml, but this file is compressed into solr.war.

Here is some examples of using solr with php, probably u can use it with any language you want, just to show how it can be done:


$_HOW_MUCH = 100000;

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require_once 'Mac/Generator.php';

$items = array();

$solr = new Apache_Solr_Service('localhost', 8080, '/gensolr2/');?><!DOCTYPE HTML>
<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">


$docs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $_HOW_MUCH; $i++) {
    $doc = new Apache_Solr_Document();

    $title = Mac_Generator::get(Mac_Generator::COMPANY_NAME);
    $contry = Mac_Generator::get(Mac_Generator::COUNTRY);
    $city = Mac_Generator::get(Mac_Generator::CITY);
    $auth = Mac_Generator::get(Mac_Generator::LOGIN);
    $text = Mac_Generator::get();
    $content_types = array('html', 'xml', 'txt', 'json', 'yml', 'css', 'js');
    $content_type = $content_types[array_rand($content_types)];
    $weight = rand(1, 100);
    $price = rand(10, 1000);
    $popularity = rand(0, 5);
    $inStock = rand(0, 1000) > 500;
    $categories = categories(array('blog', 'forum', 'post', 'product', 'video', 'photo', 'note', 'draft'));
    $features = features();

    $doc->addField('id', $i + 1);
    $doc->addField('title', $title);
    $doc->addField('country_s', $contry);
    $doc->addField('city_s', $city);
    $doc->addField('author', $auth);
    $doc->addField('text', $text);
    $doc->addField('content_type', $content_type);
    $doc->addField('weight', $weight);
    $doc->addField('price', $price);
    $doc->addField('popularity', $popularity);
    $doc->addField('inStock', $inStock);

    foreach ($categories as $category) $doc->addField('cat', $category);
    foreach ($features as $feature) $doc->addField('features', $feature);

    $docs[] = $doc;

/*$doc->addField('id', 1);
$doc->addField('title', 'tit1');
$doc->addField('text', 'text1');


echo 'done';


function make_seed()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
    return (float)$sec + ((float)$usec * 100000);

function categories($categories)
    $items = array();
    $categories_count = rand(1, 5);
    for ($x = 0; $x < $categories_count; $x++) {
        $items[] = $categories[array_rand($categories)];
    return array_unique($items);

function features()
    $features = array();
    $features_count = rand(1, 5);
    for ($x = 0; $x < $features_count; $x++) {
        $features[] = Mac_Generator::get(Mac_Generator::WORD);
    return array_unique($features);


And here is example of simple faceted search:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

$limit = 10;
$query = isset($_REQUEST['q']) ? $_REQUEST['q'] : '*:*';
$results = false;

if ($query) {
    $solr = new Apache_Solr_Service('localhost', 8080, '/gensolr2/');

    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) {
        $query = stripslashes($query);

    $additionalParameters = array(
        //'fq' => 'cat:product',
        //'fq' => array('cat:product', 'weight:[50 TO *]'),
        //'fq' => array('cat:product'),
        'fq' => array(),
        'facet' => 'true',
        // notice I use an array for a muti-valued parameter
        'facet.query' => array(
            'price:[* TO 250]',
            'price:[250 TO 500]',
            'price:[500 TO 750]',
            'price:[750 TO *]',
            'weight:[* TO 50]',
            'weight:[50 TO *]',
        'facet.field' => array(

    $cat = isset($_REQUEST['cat']) ? $_REQUEST['cat'] : array();
    foreach ($cat as $c) $additionalParameters['fq'][] = sprintf('cat:%s', $c);

    $popularity = isset($_REQUEST['popularity']) ? $_REQUEST['popularity'] : array();
    foreach ($popularity as $p) $additionalParameters['fq'][] = sprintf('popularity:%s', $p);

    $inStock = isset($_REQUEST['inStock']) ? $_REQUEST['inStock'] : array();
    foreach ($inStock as $p) $additionalParameters['fq'][] = sprintf('inStock:%s', $p);

    $content_type = isset($_REQUEST['content_type']) ? $_REQUEST['content_type'] : array();
    foreach ($content_type as $p) $additionalParameters['fq'][] = sprintf('content_type:%s', $p);

    $price = isset($_REQUEST['price']) ? $_REQUEST['price'] : null;
    switch ($price) {
        case 1:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'price:[* TO 250]';
        case 2:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'price:[250 TO 500]';
        case 3:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'price:[500 TO 750]';
        case 4:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'price:[750 TO *]';

    $weight = isset($_REQUEST['weight']) ? $_REQUEST['weight'] : null;
    switch ($price) {
        case 1:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'weight:[* TO 50]';
        case 2:
            $additionalParameters['fq'][] = 'weight:[50 TO *]';

        $results = $solr->search($query, 0, $limit, $additionalParameters);
    catch (Exception $e)
        die("<html><head><title>SEARCH EXCEPTION</title><body><pre>{$e->__toString()}</pre></body></html>");

<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        body {
            font-size: 12px;
            font-family: Arial;
            color: #444;

        table {
            border-collapse: collapse;

        table th, table td {
            padding: 5px;
            border-collapse: collapse;
            font-size: 12px;

        table th {
            color: #999;

        li {
            margin-bottom: 10px;

        #left table th, #left table td {
            border: 1px solid #ccc;

        <td valign="top">

            <div id="left">

                <form accept-charset="utf-8" method="get">
                    <label for="q">Search:</label>
                    <input id="q" name="q" type="text"
                            value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($query, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); ?>"/>
                    <input type="submit"/>

                if ($results) {
                    $total = (int)$results->response->numFound;
                    $start = min(1, $total);
                    $end = min($limit, $total);
                    $time = $results->responseHeader->QTime;
                    <div>Results <?php echo $start; ?> - <?php echo $end;?> of <?php echo $total; ?>
                        in <?php echo $time ?>ms:
                        foreach ($results->response->docs as $doc)
                                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                                    // iterate document fields / values
                                    foreach ($doc as $field => $value)
                                        if (in_array($field, array('country_s', 'city_s', 'author', 'title'))) continue;

                                            <th width="100" align="right" valign="top">
                                                <?php echo htmlspecialchars($field, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'); ?>
                                            <td width="400" align="left" valign="top">
                                                if (is_bool($value)) {
                                                    echo $value ? 'Yes' : 'No';
                                                } else if (is_array($value)) {
                                                    echo implode(', ', $value);
                                                } else {
                                                    echo htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');


        <td valign="top">

            <form metho="get">
                <?php facet_render($results, 'cat');?>

                <?php facet_render($results, 'popularity');?>

                <p><b>In stock</b></p>
                <?php facet_render($results, 'inStock');?>

                <p><b>Content type</b></p>
                <?php facet_render($results, 'content_type');?>

                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['price']) && $_REQUEST['price'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="price" value="1"> 0 TO 250
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'price:[* TO 250]'};?>)
                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['price']) && $_REQUEST['price'] == 2 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="price" value="2"> 250 TO 500
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'price:[250 TO 500]'};?>)
                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['price']) && $_REQUEST['price'] == 3 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="price" value="3"> 500 TO 750
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'price:[500 TO 750]'};?>)
                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['price']) && $_REQUEST['price'] == 4 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="price" value="4"> 750 TO 1000
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'price:[750 TO *]'};?>)

                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['weight']) && $_REQUEST['weight'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="weight" value="1"> 0 TO 50
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'weight:[* TO 50]'};?>)
                    <input <?php echo isset($_REQUEST['weight']) && $_REQUEST['weight'] == 2 ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''?>
                        type="checkbox" name="weight" value="2"> 50 TO 100
                    (<?php echo $results->facet_counts->facet_queries->{'weight:[50 TO *]'};?>)

                <input type="submit" value="Submit">

            <pre><code><?php /*print_r($results->facet_counts)*/?></pre>



function facet_render($results, $name)
    foreach ($results->facet_counts->facet_fields->{$name} as $k => $v) {
        if ($v == 0) continue; // skip empty facets
        echo '<label>';

        echo '<input ' . facet_checked($name, $k) . ' type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $k . '"/>';
        if (!is_facet_checked($name, $k)) echo sprintf('<a href="%s">%s (%d)</a>', facet_link($name, $k), $k, $v);
        else echo sprintf('%s (%d) <a href="%s">x</a>', $k, $v, facet_link_rem($name, $k));

        echo '</label><br />';

function facet_link_rem($name, $key)
    $qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $qs = str_replace($name . '[]=' . $key, '', $qs);
    $qs = trim($qs, '&');
    $prefix = empty($qs) ? '' : '?';
    return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $prefix . $qs;

function facet_link($name, $key)
    $prefix = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : '?';
    $sep = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' : '&';
    return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $prefix . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . $sep . $name . '[]=' . $key;

function is_facet_checked($name, $key)
    return isset($_REQUEST[$name]) && in_array($key, $_REQUEST[$name]);

function facet_checked($name, $key)
    return is_facet_checked($name, $key) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '';

Notice this is not good code, just for fun.