AutoHotkey window snapper tool

How it works:

This tool will move and resize your active window in next way:


Something like:


WinSnapper sources and executable

And here is code:

; WinSnapper:
; Move and resize windows with arrow and text navigation keys
; Screen is splitted on 2 / 3 + 1 / 3 sides, 1024 is preffered left side width,
; so u can snap your browser to left side and still see whole page
; Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down - snaps active window to desired side of screen
; Arrow keys works almost same way as Win + Left(Right)
; Alternatives:

; Some global variables

mw := GetMonitorWidth()             ; Monitor width
mh := GetMonitorHeight()            ; Monitor height
pw := mw / 3                        ; 1 / 3 of monitor width
ph := mh / 3                        ; 1 / 3 of monitor height
lw := 2 * pw > 1024 ? 1024: 2 * pw  ; Left side width (1024 is preffered)
rw := mw - lw                       ; Right side width
th := round(2 * ph)                 ; Top side height
bh := ceil(ph)                      ; Bottom side height


^#Up::MaximizeToggle() ;WinMaximize A

MoveWindowLeftTop() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0, lw, th
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0

MoveWindowLeftBottom() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, 0, th, lw, bh
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, 0, th

MoveWindowRightTop() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, lw, 0, rw, th
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, lw, 0

MoveWindowRightBottom() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, lw, th, rw, bh
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, lw, th

MoveWindowLeft() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0, lw, mh
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0

MoveWindowRight() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, lw, 0, rw, mh
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, lw, 0

MoveWindowTop() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0, mw, th
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, 0, 0

MoveWindowBottom() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, 0, th, mw, bh
    } else {
        WinMove, A,, 0, th

MoveWidnowCenter() {
    if (IsResizable()) {
        WinMove, A,, round(mw / 2 - lw / 2), round(mh / 2 - th / 2), lw, th
    } else {
        WinGetPos,,, Width, Height
        WinMove, A,, round(mw / 2 - Width), round(mh / 2 - Height)

; Helper functions
GetMonitorWidth() {
    SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea
    return monRight - monLeft

GetMonitorHeight() {
    SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea
    return monBottom - monTop

IsResizable() {
    WinGet, Style, Style, A
    return (Style & 0x40000) ; WS_SIZEBOX

MaximizeToggle() {
    WinGet, state, MinMax, A
    if (state && IsResizable()) {
        WinRestore, A
    } else {
        WinMaximize, A