Bitbucket mass hook addition

Suppose you have many repositories and wish to ensure that each has slack hook with desired url

Here is how you can massively update all your repositories with powershell:

$account = 'rabotaua'
$slackDesiredUrl = '*********/*********/************************'
$slackHookName = 'Slack'
$username = 'mac2000'
$password = '*******************'

$authorization = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($username):$($password)"))
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $authorization" }

$hookBody = @{
	description = $slackHookName
	url = $slackDesiredUrl
	active = $true
	events = @('repo:push')

$repositories = @()
$response = @{ next = "$account" }
do {
	$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $
	$repositories += $response.values
} while($
Write-Host "Retrieved $($repositories.Count) repositories from `"$account`" account" -ForegroundColor Cyan

foreach($repository in $repositories) {
	Write-Host $ -NoNewline
	$hooks = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $repository.links.hooks.href
	$slackHook = $hooks.values |? description -EQ $slackHookName | select -First 1
	if ($slackHook) {
		if ($slackHook.url -ne $slackDesiredUrl) {
			Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Headers $headers -Uri $slackHook.links.self.href -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ($hookBody | ConvertTo-Json) | Out-Null
			Write-Host " existing hook updated" -ForegroundColor Yellow
		} else {
			Write-Host " nothing to do" -ForegroundColor Cyan
	} else {
		Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers $headers -Uri $repository.links.hooks.href -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ($hookBody | ConvertTo-Json) | Out-Null
		Write-Host " new hook created" -ForegroundColor Green