ExtJs Report tool

Sample maded for rabota.ua sales department.

Here is how it looks like:


Main page code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="RabotaUA.Sales._Default" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

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        #loading a {
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        .notebooklinks {border-collapse:collapse;margin:auto;margin-top:10px;}
        .notebooklinks th, .notebooklinks td {border:1px solid #999;padding:5px;}

        .rating_holder, .rating_holder tr, .rating_holder td, .rating_item {height:10px;line-height:10px;overflow:hidden;}
        .rating_holder, .rating_holder tr {width:50px;}
        .rating_holder td, .rating_item {width:10px;}
        .rating_item {text-indent:-9000px;display:block;background:transparent url(http://rabota.ua/Theme/img/star_small.gif) no-repeat 0 0;}
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        .hh_icon {background-image:url(http://rabota.ua/images/icons/hh.gif);}
        .work_icon {background-image:url(http://rabota.ua/images/icons/work.gif);}

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    <script type="text/javascript">
        function m(msg) {
            document.getElementById('loading-msg').innerHTML = msg;

<div id="loading-mask" style=""></div>
<div id="loading">
    <div class="loading-indicator"><img src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/examples/shared/extjs/images/extanim32.gif")%>" width="32" height="32" style="margin-right:8px;float:left;vertical-align:top;"/>Report Tool - <a href="http://rabota.ua">rabota.ua</a><br /><span id="loading-msg">Загрузка рисунков и стилей...</span></div>

<link href="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css")%>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/examples/ux/css/ux-all.css")%>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">    m('Закгрузка базовых элементов...');</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">    m('Загрузка компонентов интерфейсов...');</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/ext-all-debug.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">    m('Загрузка дополнительных компонентов...');</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">    m('Инициализация...');</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/TDGi.iconMgr/TDGi.iconMgr/TDGi.iconMgr.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/ext/examples/shared/extjs/App.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/init.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/renderers.js")%>"></script>
<%-- REPORTS --%>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/reports/AttractiveProgram.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/reports/ResumeBaseUse.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/reports/AttractedCompany.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/reports/TrophyBrandCompany.js")%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/App/reports/CVBaseAccess.js")%>"></script>

<form id="form1" runat="server"></form></body></html>

Code is copied from extjs examples, first of all we showing loader, and loading all needed files.

Note: TDGi.iconMgr - cool extjs plugin that adds famfam icons to your project.

After all files loaded, we load our init.js, and reports (each report has its own js file)

So here is init.js


/* region Logger functions */
var log_item_tpl = new Ext.Template(
  '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr>' +
    '<td valign="top" align="left" width="10" style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:5px;">{date}</td>' +
    '<td valign="top" align="left">{msg}</td>' +

var store_exception_log_row_tpl = new Ext.Template(
  '<tr><td valign="top" align="left" width="10" style="white-space:nowrap;padding:2px;border:1px solid #999;">{key}</td><td valign="top" align="left" style="padding:2px;border:1px solid #999;">{val}</td></tr>'
var store_exception_log_tpl = new Ext.Template(
  '<div><a href="#additional_info" onclick="this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'DIV\').item(0).style.display=\'block\';this.style.display=\'none\';return false;">Показать дополнительную информацию</a><div style="display:none"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" style="border-collapse:collapse;">{rows}</table></div></div>'

function le(msg) {
  return logmessage('error', msg)

function li(msg) {
  return logmessage('info', msg)

function l(msg) {
  return logmessage('warning', msg)

function logmessage(type, msg) {
  var h = Ext.get('log').query('.x-panel-body')
  if (h.length == 0) {
    Ext.MessageBox.alert('Ошибка', 'Похоже что страница не загрузилась, попробуйте обновить ее.')
    return false
  h = h[0]

  var d = new Date()

  switch (type) {
    case 'error':
      var color = '#900'
    case 'notice':
    case 'info':
      var color = '#090'
      var color = '#000'

  h.innerHTML += log_item_tpl.apply({
    date: d.toLocaleString(),
    msg: '<span style="color:' + color + '">' + msg + '</span>'
  return true
/* endregion */

var App = new Ext.App()

/* region Loggable Store */
var LoggableStoreBase = Ext.extend(Ext.data.JsonStore, {
  store_name: 'справочник',
  constructor: function () {
    LoggableStoreBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments)

    // http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.data.JsonStore
    this.on('beforeload', function () {
      Ext.get(document.body).mask('Загрузка данных...')
    this.on('write', function (store, action, result, res, rs) {
      li(this.store_name + ' ' + action)
      App.setAlert('', this.store_name + ' - транзакция ' + action + ' успешно завершена')
    this.on('load', function (res) {
      li(this.store_name + ' loaded')
      App.setAlert('', this.store_name + ' - загрузка завершена')
    this.on('exception', function (proxy, type, action, options, res) {
      var msg = 'ошбика'
      if (type === 'remote') {
        msg = res.message
      } else if (type === 'response') {
        var msg = ''
        if (res.isTimeout) {
          msg = 'Истекло время ожидания.'
        if (res.status != 200) {
          msg = res.statusText
        } else {
          msg = options.reader.jsonData.message

      var rows = []
          key: 'type',
          val: type
          key: 'action',
          val: action
          key: 'status',
          val: res.status
          key: 'statusText',
          val: res.statusText
          key: 'isTimeout',
          val: res.isTimeout ? 'true' : 'false'
          key: 'url',
          val: options.url

      var info = store_exception_log_tpl.apply({
        rows: rows.join('')

      msg = '<b>' + this.store_name + '</b><br /><br />' + msg + '<br /><br />' + info + ''

        title: 'ОШИБКА',
        msg: msg,
        icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
        buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,
        fn: function () {
          location = location
Ext.reg('LoggableStoreBase', LoggableStoreBase)
/* endregion */

/* region Dictionary Store Base */
var DictionaryBase = Ext.extend(LoggableStoreBase, {
  constructor: function () {
    Ext.apply(this, {
      remoteSort: true,
      autoSave: false,
      batch: false,
      autoLoad: true
    DictionaryBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
Ext.reg('DictionaryBase', DictionaryBase)

DictionaryBaseFactory = function (store_name, json_url) {
  var id = 'dict' + json_url.replace(new RegExp('[^a-z0-9]+', 'gi'), '_').toLowerCase()
  return new DictionaryBase({
    url: json_url,
    store_name: store_name,
    id: id
/* endregion */

/* region Report Store Base */
var ReportBase = Ext.extend(LoggableStoreBase, {
  constructor: function () {
    Ext.apply(this, {
      reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader(),
      autoDestroy: true,
      sortInfo: {
        field: 'NotebookID',
        direction: 'ASC'
      writer: new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
        encode: true,
        writeAllFields: true
      autoSave: true,
      batch: false,
      remoteSort: true,
      autoLoad: {
        params: {
          start: 0,
          limit: _DEFAULT_PERPAGE
    ReportBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
Ext.reg('ReportBase', ReportBase)
/* endregion */

/* region Report Grid Base */
var ReportGridBase = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
  constructor: function () {
    Ext.apply(this, {
      region: 'center',
      viewConfig: {
        forceFit: true
      bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
        pageSize: _DEFAULT_PERPAGE,
        displayInfo: true,
        displayMsg: 'Отображены записи {0} - {1} из {2}',
        emptyMsg: 'Нет записей',
        items: [
          new Ext.form.ComboBox({
            name: 'perpage',
            width: 40,
            store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
              fields: ['id'],
              data: [['10'], ['20'], ['30'], ['40'], ['50'], ['60'], ['70'], ['80'], ['90'], ['100']]
            mode: 'local',
            value: _DEFAULT_PERPAGE,
            listWidth: 40,
            triggerAction: 'all',
            displayField: 'id',
            valueField: 'id',
            editable: false,
            forceSelection: true,
            listeners: {
              select: function (dropdown, record, index) {
                var bbar = dropdown.findParentByType(Ext.PagingToolbar)
                if (bbar) {
                  bbar.pageSize = parseInt(record.get('id'), 10)
            xtype: 'button',
            iconCls: Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('bin_closed'),
            text: 'Сбросить фильтры',
            handler: function (btn, e) {
              var grid = btn.findParentByType(Ext.grid.GridPanel)
              if (grid && grid.filters && grid.filters.clearFilters) grid.filters.clearFilters()
            xtype: 'button',
            iconCls: Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('page_white_excel'),
            text: 'Экспорт в Excel',
            handler: function (btn, e) {
              var grid = btn.findParentByType(Ext.grid.GridPanel)
              var url =
                grid.store.proxy.buildUrl('read') + '?excel=1&sort=' + grid.store.sortInfo.field + '&dir=' + grid.store.sortInfo.direction
              var filter = '&filter=' + escape(grid.filters.buildQuery(grid.filters.getFilterData()).filter)
              if (filter != '&filter=undefined') url += filter
              location = url
      listeners: {
        beforerender: {
          fn: function () {
    ReportGridBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
Ext.reg('ReportGridBase', ReportGridBase)
/* endregion */

var DICTS = {}
var PANELS = {}

Ext.onReady(function () {
  ;(function () {

    /* region Dictionaries */
    DICTS.BRANCHES = DictionaryBaseFactory('Отрасли', '/json/Dictionaries/Branches.ashx')
    DICTS.CITIES = DictionaryBaseFactory('Регионы', '/json/Dictionaries/Cities.ashx')
    DICTS.MANAGERS = DictionaryBaseFactory('Менеджеры', '/json/Dictionaries/Managers.ashx')
    DICTS.NOTEBOOK_STATUSES = DictionaryBaseFactory('Статусы блокнота', '/json/Dictionaries/NotebookStatuses.ashx')
    /* endregion */

    PANELS.NAV = new Ext.Panel({
      id: 'nav',
      region: 'west',
      title: 'Навигация',
      layout: 'accordion',
      margins: '5 0 0 5',
      collapseMode: 'mini',
      split: true,
      collapsible: true,
      collapsed: true,
      width: 200,
      items: [
          title: 'Отчеты',
          padding: 5,
          layout: 'vbox',
          align: 'stretch',
          defaults: {
            margins: '0 0 5 0',
            width: '100%'
          items: REPORT_BUTTONS
          title: 'Помощь',
          padding: 5,
          autoLoad: { url: '/help.html' }
          title: 'Утилиты',
          padding: 5,
          layout: 'vbox',
          align: 'stretch',
          defaults: {
            margins: '0 0 5 0',
            width: '100%'
          items: [
              xtype: 'button',
              text: 'Иконки',
              iconCls: Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('application_view_icons'),
              handler: function () {

    PANELS.LOG = new Ext.Panel({
      region: 'south',
      title: 'Журнал событий',
      collapseMode: 'mini',
      id: 'log',
      autoScroll: true,
      height: 100,
      padding: 5,
      collapsible: true,
      collapsed: true,
      margins: '0 5 5 5',
      split: true

    PANELS.TABS = new Ext.TabPanel({
      region: 'center',
      margins: '5 5 0 0',
      plugins: new Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu(),
      activeTab: 0,
      items: [
          title: 'Главная',
          closable: false,
          padding: 5,
          autoLoad: { url: '/hometab.html' }

    new Ext.Viewport({
      id: 'viewport',
      layout: 'border',


  var hideMask = function () {
      remove: true

var maskingAjax = new Ext.data.Connection({
  listeners: {
    beforerequest: {
      fn: function (con, opt) {
      scope: this
    requestcomplete: {
      fn: function (con, res, opt) {
      scope: this
    requestexception: {
      fn: function (con, res, opt) {
      scope: this

function getNotebookLinks(id, source) {
    url: '/json/AttractiveProgram/GetInfo.ashx',
    failure: function () {
        title: 'ОШИБКА',
        msg: 'Произошла ошибка при передаче данных',
        icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
        buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
    success: function (r, o) {
      var resp = Ext.decode(r.responseText)
      if (!resp.success) {
          title: 'ОШИБКА',
          msg: resp.message,
          icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
          buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
      } else {
        var notebooks = resp.data
        var site = source == 1 ? 'work.ua' : 'hh.ua'
        var msg = 'У компании несколько блокнотов на сайте ' + site
        msg +=
          '<div style="height:200px;overflow-y:scroll;"><table class="notebooklinks" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><th>Блокнот</th><th>Количество вакансий</th></tr>'

        for (var i = 0; i < notebooks.length; i++) {
          var notebook = notebooks[i]

          var link = ''
          if (source == 1) {
            link =
              '<a href="http://www.work.ua/jobs/by-company/' +
              notebooks[i].CompanyId +
              '/" target="_blank">' +
              notebooks[i].CompanyId +
          } else if (source == 2) {
            link = '<a href="http://hh.ua/employer/' + notebooks[i].CompanyId + '" target="_blank">' + notebooks[i].CompanyId + '</a>'

          msg += '<tr><td>' + link + '</td><td>' + notebooks[i].VacancyCount + '</td></tr>'

        msg += '</table></div>'

          title: 'Ссылки',
          msg: msg,
          buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
    params: {
      id: id,
      source: source

Have look at extended stores and grid this is pretty standard way in extjs to extend base classes.

After all defined we create viewport and fill it with some UI.

Here is example of report:

  xtype: 'button',
  iconCls: Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('report'),
  text: 'Trophy Brand Company',
  handler: function () {
      title: 'Trophy Brand Company',
      closable: true,
      iconCls: Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('report'),
      layout: 'border',
      items: [
        new ReportGridBase({
          store: new ReportBase({
            store_name: 'Trophy Brand Company',
            proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
              api: {
                create: 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED',
                read: '/json/TrophyBrandCompany/Report.ashx',
                update: 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED',
                destroy: 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED'
          plugins: [
            new Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters({
              encode: true,
              local: false,
              filters: [
                  type: 'boolean',
                  dataIndex: 'IsPaidRabota'
                  type: 'boolean',
                  dataIndex: 'IsActiveCompany'
                  type: 'date',
                  dateFormat: 'd/m/Y',
                  dataIndex: 'MaxExpiryDate'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'NotebookID',
                  menuItems: ['eq']
                  type: 'list',
                  dataIndex: 'BranchID',
                  store: DICTS.BRANCHES,
                  labelField: 'Name'
                  type: 'list',
                  dataIndex: 'CityID',
                  store: DICTS.CITIES,
                  labelField: 'Name'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'VacancyCount'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'WorkVacancyCount'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'HHVacancyCount'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'MaxWorkVacancyCount'
                  type: 'boolean',
                  dataIndex: 'IsPaidWork'
                  type: 'boolean',
                  dataIndex: 'IsPaidHH'
                  type: 'list',
                  dataIndex: 'SegmentCategory',
                  options: [
                    [1, '1 - AA'],
                    [2, '2 - AB']
                  type: 'list',
                  dataIndex: 'ManagerID',
                  store: DICTS.MANAGERS,
                  labelField: 'Name'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'OpenContactCount'
                  type: 'numeric',
                  dataIndex: 'ResumeViewCount'
                  type: 'boolean',
                  dataIndex: 'IsPaidCVBaseAccess'
          colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
            defaults: {
              sortable: true
            columns: [
                dataIndex: 'IsActiveCompany',
                header: 'Акт.',
                tooltip: 'Активная компания',
                renderer: function (val, meta, record) {
                  var icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('star_gey')
                  if (val) {
                    icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('star')

                  return '<div class="cell-icon ' + icon + '"></div>'
                dataIndex: 'MaxExpiryDate',
                header: 'Сервис активирован до',
                tooltip: 'Сервис активирован до',
                renderer: RENDERERS.NullableDateRenderer
                dataIndex: 'NotebookID',
                header: 'ID',
                tooltip: 'ID блокнота на rabota.ua',
                renderer: RENDERERS.NotebookID
                dataIndex: 'Name',
                header: 'Название',
                tooltip: 'Название',
                tooltip: 'Название компании на rabota.ua'
                dataIndex: 'BranchID',
                header: 'Отрасль',
                tooltip: 'Отрасль блокнота на rabota.ua',
                renderer: RENDERERS.BranchID
                dataIndex: 'TicketCount',
                header: '<div class="header-icon ' + Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('control_pause') + '">Платных вакансий на счету</div>',
                tooltip: 'Платных вакансий на счету на rabota.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.TicketCount
                dataIndex: 'PaidVacancyCount',
                  '<div class="header-icon ' + Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('control_play_blue') + '">Платных вакансий опубликовано</div>',
                tooltip: 'Платных вакансий опубликовано на rabota.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.PaidVacancyCount
                dataIndex: 'VacancyCount',
                header: '<div class="header-icon rua_icon"></div>',
                tooltip: 'Количество вакансий на rabota.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.VacancyCount
                dataIndex: 'HHVacancyCount',
                header: '<div class="header-icon hh_icon"></div>',
                tooltip: 'Количество вакансий на hh.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.HHVacancyCount
                dataIndex: 'MaxWorkVacancyCount',
                header: '<div class="header-icon work_icon">Max</div>',
                tooltip: 'Максимальное количество вакансий в блокноте на work.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.MaxWorkVacancyCount
                dataIndex: 'IsPaidRabota',
                header: '<div class="header-icon rua_icon">VIP</div>',
                tooltip: 'Платят нам',
                renderer: RENDERERS.IsPaidRabota
                dataIndex: 'IsPaidWork',
                header: '<div class="header-icon work_icon">VIP</div>',
                tooltip: "Платит ли компания work'у",
                renderer: RENDERERS.IsPaidWork
                dataIndex: 'IsPaidHH',
                header: '<div class="header-icon hh_icon">VIP</div>',
                tooltip: 'Платит ли компания hh',
                renderer: RENDERERS.IsPaidHH
                dataIndex: 'WorkVacancyCount',
                header: '<div class="header-icon work_icon">Max</div>',
                tooltip: 'Количество вакансий на work.ua',
                align: 'right',
                renderer: RENDERERS.WorkVacancyCount
                dataIndex: 'SegmentCategory',
                header: 'Сегмент',
                tooltip: 'Сегмент компании на rabota.ua'
                dataIndex: 'ManagerID',
                header: 'Менеджер',
                tooltip: 'Менеджер за которым закреплен блокнот',
                renderer: RENDERERS.ManagerID
                dataIndex: 'CityID',
                header: 'Регион',
                tooltip: 'Регион блокнота на rabota.ua',
                renderer: RENDERERS.CityID
                dataIndex: 'LastPaidDate',
                header: 'Посл. пропл.',
                tooltip: 'Дата последней проплаты',
                renderer: RENDERERS.NullableDateRenderer
                dataIndex: 'OpenContactCount',
                header: 'Контакты базы',
                tooltip: 'Открыто контактов резюме',
                align: 'right'
                dataIndex: 'ResumeViewCount',
                header: 'Просмотры базы',
                tooltip: 'Просмотров базы резюме',
                align: 'right'
                dataIndex: 'IsPaidCVBaseAccess',
                header: 'Платный доступ к CVDB',
                tooltip: 'Активирован ли платный доступ к CV DB?',
                renderer: RENDERERS.IsPaidCVBaseAccess
                dataIndex: 'PaidAccessExpiryDate',
                header: 'Проплачено до',
                tooltip: 'Платный доступ к базе резюме проплачен до',
                renderer: RENDERERS.NullableDateRenderer
                dataIndex: 'Rating',
                header: 'Привлекательность',
                tooltip: 'Привлекательность компании',
                renderer: RENDERERS.Rating

Because i have extended grid and store, all i need is to declare grid columns and filters.

Many of fields have own renderers here is their code:

var RENDERERS = {}

RENDERERS.NotebookID = function (val, meta, record) {
  return '<a href="http://rabota.ua/company' + val + '" title="Перейти на страницу компании" target="_blank">' + val + '</a>'

RENDERERS.CityID = function (val, meta, record) {
  var rec = DICTS.CITIES.getById(val)
  if (!rec) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Похоже что справочник регионов не был загружен, необходимо обновить отчет либо перезагрузить страницу"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'
  meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + rec.get('Name') + '"'
  return rec.get('Name')

RENDERERS.BranchID = function (val, meta, record) {
  var rec = DICTS.BRANCHES.getById(val)
  if (!rec) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Похоже что справочник отраслей не был загружен, необходимо обновить отчет либо перезагрузить страницу"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'
  meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + rec.get('Name') + '"'
  return rec.get('Name')

RENDERERS.ManagerID = function (val, meta, record) {
  var rec = DICTS.MANAGERS.getById(val)
  if (!rec) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Похоже что справочник менеджеров не был загружен, необходимо обновить отчет либо перезагрузить страницу"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'
  var full_name = rec.get('Name')
  var short_name = ''

  var parts = full_name.split(' ')
  short_name = parts[0]
  if (parts.length > 1) short_name += ' ' + parts[1].substring(0, 1) + '.'

  meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + full_name + '"'
  return short_name

RENDERERS.NotebookStateID = function (val, meta, record) {
  var rec = DICTS.NOTEBOOK_STATUSES.getById(val)
  if (!rec) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Похоже что справочник статусов блокнота не был загружен, необходимо обновить отчет либо перезагрузить страницу"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'
  var full_name = rec.get('Name')
  var short_name = ''

  var parts = full_name.split(' ')

  Ext.each(parts, function (item, index) {
    short_name += item.substring(0, 1)

  meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + full_name + '"'

  return short_name

RENDERERS.NullableDateRenderer = function (val, meta, record) {
  if (!val || val == null || val == '') {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Нет данных"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'
  f = Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d/m/Y')
  var r = f(val)
  if (r == '01/01/0001') {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Нет данных"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">н.д.</span>'

  return r

RENDERERS.Rating = function (val, meta, record) {
  var r = '<table class="rating_holder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"><tr>'
  for (var i = 0; i < val; i++) {
    r += '<td><span class="rating_item rating_item_starred">+</span></td>'
  for (var i = val; i < 5; i++) {
    r += '<td><span class="rating_item">-</span></td>'
  r += '</tr></table>'
  meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + val + ' звезд"'
  return r

RENDERERS.WorkVacancyCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  if (record.get('IsMultiWork')) {
    var ruaid = record.get('NotebookID')
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Суммарное количество вакансий в нескольких блокнотах"'

    return unescape('%u01A9') + ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="getNotebookLinks(' + ruaid + ', 1);return false;">' + val + '</a>'

  var id = record.get('WorkCompanyID')
  if (!id) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Нет блокнота на work.ua"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">' + val + '</span>'

  return '<a href="http://www.work.ua/jobs/by-company/' + id + '/" target="_blank">' + val + '</a>'

RENDERERS.HHVacancyCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  if (record.get('IsMultiHH')) {
    var ruaid = record.get('NotebookID')
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Суммарное количество вакансий в нескольких блокнотах"'
    return unescape('%u01A9') + ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="getNotebookLinks(' + ruaid + ', 2);return false;">' + val + '</a>'

  var id = record.get('HHCompanyID')
  if (!id) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Нет блокнота на hh.ua"'
    return '<span style="color:#999">' + val + '</span>'
  return '<a href="http://hh.ua/employer/' + id + '" target="_blank">' + val + '</a>'

RENDERERS.IsPaidWork = function (val, meta, record) {
  var IsPaidRabota = record.get('IsPaidRabota')
  var icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('bullet_toggle_minus')

  if (val) {
    if (typeof IsPaidRabota == 'undefined' || IsPaidRabota) {
      meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Компания платит work\'у"'
      icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('error')
    } else {
      meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Компания платит work\'у и НЕ платит нам"'
      icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('cancel')

  return '<div class="cell-icon ' + icon + '"></div>'

RENDERERS.IsPaidHH = function (val, meta, record) {
  var IsPaidRabota = record.get('IsPaidRabota')
  var icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('bullet_toggle_minus')

  if (val) {
    if (typeof IsPaidRabota == 'undefined' || IsPaidRabota) {
      meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Компания платит hh"'
      icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('error')
    } else {
      meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Компания платит hh и НЕ платит нам"'
      icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('cancel')

  return '<div class="cell-icon ' + icon + '"></div>'

RENDERERS.IsPaidRabota = function (val, meta, record) {
  var icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('bullet_toggle_minus')
  if (val) {
    icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('coins')

  return '<div class="cell-icon ' + icon + '"></div>'

RENDERERS.IsPaidCVBaseAccess = function (val, meta, record) {
  var icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('bullet_toggle_minus')
  if (val) {
    icon = Ext.ux.TDGi.iconMgr.getIcon('coins')

  return '<div class="cell-icon ' + icon + '"></div>'

RENDERERS.MaxWorkVacancyCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  var IsPaidRabota = record.get('IsPaidRabota')

  var cls = ''
  if (val >= 6) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Эта компания платит work, за размещение вакансий<br />Больше 6 вакансий в одном блокноте"'
    cls = 'r'

  if (IsPaidRabota && val >= 6) {
    meta.attr =
      'ext:qtip="Эта компания платит work, за размещение вакансий<br />Больше 6 вакансий в одном блокноте<br />Но при этом платит нам"'
    cls = 'y'

  if (cls) meta.css += ' ' + cls
  return val

RENDERERS.VacancyCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  var MaxWorkVacancyCount = record.get('MaxWorkVacancyCount')
  var HHVacancyCount = record.get('HHVacancyCount')
  var NotebookID = record.get('NotebookID')

  var cls = ''

  if (val > MaxWorkVacancyCount || val > HHVacancyCount) {
    if (val > MaxWorkVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас больше вакансий чем у work"'
    if (val > HHVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас больше вакансий чем у hh"'
    cls = 'g'

  if (val == MaxWorkVacancyCount || val == HHVacancyCount) {
    if (val == MaxWorkVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас столько же вакансий как и у work"'
    if (val == HHVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас столько же вакансий как и у hh"'
    cls = 'y'

  if (val < MaxWorkVacancyCount || val < HHVacancyCount) {
    if (val < MaxWorkVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас меньше вакансий чем у work"'
    if (val < HHVacancyCount) meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="У нас меньше вакансий чем у hh"'
    cls = 'r'

  if (cls) meta.css += ' ' + cls

  if (typeof NotebookID == 'undefined') {
    return val
  } else {
    return '<a href="http://rabota.ua/company' + NotebookID + '" target="_blank">' + val + '</a>'

RENDERERS.PaidVacancyCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  var VacancyCount = record.get('VacancyCount')
  if (typeof VacancyCount == 'undefined') return val

  var cls = ''

  if (val < VacancyCount) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Количество опубликованых платных вакансий меньше количества вакансий блокнота"'
    cls = 'y'

  if (val == VacancyCount) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Количество опубликованых платных вакансий равно количеству вакансий блокнота"'
    cls = 'g'

  if (cls) meta.css += ' ' + cls

  return val

RENDERERS.TicketCount = function (val, meta, record) {
  var VacancyCount = record.get('VacancyCount')

  if (typeof VacancyCount == 'undefined') return val

  var cls = ''

  if (val < VacancyCount) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Количество билетиков меньше количества вакансий"'
    cls = 'y'

  if (val > VacancyCount) {
    meta.attr = 'ext:qtip="Количество билетиков равно количеству вакансий"'
    cls = 'g'

  if (cls) meta.css += ' ' + cls

  return val

Notice that in stores i use metadata driven json from asp handler that automaticaly generates all need stufs from returned DataTables.

In general handler looks like:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using ExtJs;

namespace RabotaUA.Sales.json.TrophyBrandCompany
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for Report
    /// </summary>
    public class Report : IHttpHandler

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            context.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));

                ExtJs.GridReader gr = new ExtJs.GridReader(Common.ConnectionString, "spAdmin3_TrophyBrandCompany_GetList", "NotebookID", context);

                if (context.Request.QueryString["excel"] == null)
                { context.Response.Write(gr); }
                    string file = gr.ToString();
                    catch { }

            catch (Exception e)

                ResponseBase resp = new ResponseBase(false, e.Message);

        public bool IsReusable
                return false;

All work done in ExtJS.GridReader and here it is:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using RabotaUA.Model;
using System.IO;

namespace ExtJs
    public class GridReader
        protected string connection_string = string.Empty;
        protected string procedure_name = string.Empty;
        protected string id_column_name = string.Empty;
        protected HttpContext context;
        protected DataSet ds;
        protected SqlDataAdapter da;
        protected SqlConnection con;
        protected SqlCommand cmd;

        protected int start = 0;
        protected int limit = 20;
        protected string sort = "";
        protected string dir = "ASC";

        public GridReader(string connection_string, string procedure_name, string id_column_name, HttpContext context)
            this.connection_string = connection_string;
            this.procedure_name = procedure_name;
            this.id_column_name = id_column_name;
            this.sort = id_column_name;
            this.context = context;

            this.ds = new DataSet();
            this.con = new SqlConnection(this.connection_string);

            this.cmd = new SqlCommand(this.procedure_name, this.con);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandTimeout = 900;

            this.da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["start"])) start = int.Parse(context.Request.Params["start"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["limit"])) limit = int.Parse(context.Request.Params["limit"]);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["sort"])) sort = context.Request.Params["sort"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Params["dir"])) dir = context.Request.Params["dir"];

            FilterParams fp = new FilterParams(context.Request.Params["filter"]);


            foreach (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter param in cmd.Parameters)
                string name = param.ParameterName.ToString().Substring(1);
                if (name == "RETURN_VALUE") continue;

                if (name == "StartRowIndex")
                    param.Value = start;

                if (name == "MaximumRows")
                    param.Value = limit;

                if (name == "SortField")
                    param.Value = sort;

                if (name == "SortDirection")
                    param.Value = dir;

                string extJsType = ExtJs.TypeConverter.ToExtJsType(param.SqlDbType);
                if (extJsType == "number")
                    if (name.EndsWith("To")) param.Value = fp.getNumericTo(Regex.Replace(name, "To$", ""));
                    else if (name.EndsWith("From")) param.Value = fp.getNumericFrom(Regex.Replace(name, "From$", ""));
                    else if (name.EndsWith("Equal")) param.Value = fp.getNumericEq(Regex.Replace(name, "Equal$", ""));
                else if (extJsType == "bool") param.Value = fp.getBool(name);
                else if (extJsType == "string")
                    string name2find = name;
                    if (name.EndsWith("s")) name2find = name2find.Substring(0, name2find.Length - 1);
                    param.Value = fp.getList(name2find);
                else if (extJsType == "date")
                    if (name.EndsWith("To")) param.Value = fp.getDateTo(Regex.Replace(name, "To$", ""));
                    else if (name.EndsWith("From")) param.Value = fp.getDateFrom(Regex.Replace(name, "From$", ""));
                    else if (name.EndsWith("Equal")) param.Value = fp.getDateEq(Regex.Replace(name, "Equal$", ""));

        public string GetJson()

            var response = new
                total = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]),
                success = true,
                message = "ok",
                metaData = new ExtJs.MetaData(ds.Tables[0], this.id_column_name, this.sort, this.dir),
                data = ds.Tables[0]

            return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.JavaScriptDateTimeConverter());

        public override string ToString()
            if (this.context.Request.QueryString["excel"] == null)
                return this.GetJson();
                this.cmd.Parameters["@StartRowIndex"].Value = 0;
                this.cmd.Parameters["@MaximumRows"].Value = 100000;


                this.context.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
                this.context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=report.xls");

                ExcelHelper helper = new ExcelHelper();
                string file = helper.ProcessToExcel(this.ds.Tables[0]);


                catch { }

                return file;

Also there is TypeConverter helper:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;

namespace ExtJs
    public static class TypeConverter
        private struct TypeMapEntry
            public Type Type;
            public DbType DbType;
            public SqlDbType SqlDbType;
            public string ExtJsType;
            public TypeMapEntry(Type type, DbType dbType, SqlDbType sqlDbType, string extJsType)
                this.Type = type;
                this.DbType = dbType;
                this.SqlDbType = sqlDbType;
                this.ExtJsType = extJsType;

        private static List<TypeMapEntry> _TypeList = new List<TypeMapEntry>();

        static TypeConverter()
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(bool), DbType.Boolean, SqlDbType.Bit, "bool"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(byte), DbType.Double, SqlDbType.TinyInt, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(DateTime), DbType.DateTime, SqlDbType.DateTime, "date"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(Decimal), DbType.Decimal, SqlDbType.Decimal, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(double), DbType.Double, SqlDbType.Float, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(Guid), DbType.Guid, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, "string"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(Int16), DbType.Int16, SqlDbType.SmallInt, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(Int32), DbType.Int32, SqlDbType.Int, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(Int64), DbType.Int64, SqlDbType.BigInt, "number"));
            _TypeList.Add(new TypeMapEntry(typeof(string), DbType.String, SqlDbType.VarChar, "string"));

        public static Type ToNetType(DbType dbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(dbType);
            return entry.Type;

        public static Type ToNetType(SqlDbType sqlDbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(sqlDbType);
            return entry.Type;

        public static Type ToNetType(string extJsType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(extJsType);
            return entry.Type;

        public static DbType ToDbType(Type type)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(type);
            return entry.DbType;

        public static DbType ToDbType(SqlDbType sqlDbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(sqlDbType);
            return entry.DbType;

        public static DbType ToDbType(string extJsType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(extJsType);
            return entry.DbType;

        public static SqlDbType ToSqlDbType(Type type)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(type);
            return entry.SqlDbType;

        public static SqlDbType ToSqlDbType(DbType dbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(dbType);
            return entry.SqlDbType;

        public static SqlDbType ToSqlDbType(string extJsType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(extJsType);
            return entry.SqlDbType;

        public static string ToExtJsType(Type type)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(type);
            return entry.ExtJsType;

        public static string ToExtJsType(DbType dbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(dbType);
            return entry.ExtJsType;

        public static string ToExtJsType(SqlDbType sqlDbType)
            TypeMapEntry entry = Find(sqlDbType);
            return entry.ExtJsType;

        private static TypeMapEntry Find(Type type)
            object retObj = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _TypeList.Count; i++)
                TypeMapEntry entry = _TypeList[i];
                if (entry.Type == type)
                    retObj = entry;
            if (retObj == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Referenced an unsupported Type");
            return (TypeMapEntry)retObj;

        private static TypeMapEntry Find(DbType dbType)
            object retObj = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _TypeList.Count; i++)
                TypeMapEntry entry = (TypeMapEntry)_TypeList[i];
                if (entry.DbType == dbType)
                    retObj = entry;
            if (retObj == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Referenced an unsupported DbType");
            return (TypeMapEntry)retObj;

        private static TypeMapEntry Find(SqlDbType sqlDbType)
            object retObj = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _TypeList.Count; i++)
                TypeMapEntry entry = (TypeMapEntry)_TypeList[i];
                if (entry.SqlDbType == sqlDbType)
                    retObj = entry;
            if (retObj == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Referenced an unsupported SqlDbType");

            return (TypeMapEntry)retObj;

        private static TypeMapEntry Find(string extJsType)
            object retObj = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _TypeList.Count; i++)
                TypeMapEntry entry = (TypeMapEntry)_TypeList[i];
                if (entry.ExtJsType == extJsType)
                    retObj = entry;
            if (retObj == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Referenced an unsupported SqlDbType");

            return (TypeMapEntry)retObj;