jQuery UI override selectable to work with shift key

jQuery UI selectable plugin by default wont work with shift key as you expected, so lets try to fix this.

Here is few ways to accomplish this:


And here is how to do it without any plugins:

var prev = -1 // here we will store index of previous selection
  selecting: function (e, ui) {
    // on select
    var curr = $(ui.selecting.tagName, e.target).index(ui.selecting) // get selecting item index
    if (e.shiftKey && prev > -1) {
      // if shift key was pressed and there is previous - select them all
      $(ui.selecting.tagName, e.target)
        .slice(Math.min(prev, curr), 1 + Math.max(prev, curr))
      prev = -1 // and reset prev
    } else {
      prev = curr // othervise just save prev


But this is not our way, lets override widget itself, here is basic way to override any widget:

$.widget('my.selectable', $.ui.selectable, {
  options: {},
  _create: function () {
  destroy: function () {
  _setOption: function () {
    $.ui.selectable.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments)

Now all we need is to combine this with previous solution, and we get:

$.widget('shift.selectable', $.ui.selectable, {
  options: {},
  previousIndex: -1,
  currentIndex: -1,
  _create: function () {
    var self = this


    $(this.element).on('selectableselecting', function (event, ui) {
      self.currentIndex = $(ui.selecting.tagName, event.target).index(ui.selecting)
      if (event.shiftKey && self.previousIndex > -1) {
        $(ui.selecting.tagName, event.target)
          .slice(Math.min(self.previousIndex, self.currentIndex), 1 + Math.max(self.previousIndex, self.currentIndex))
        self.previousIndex = -1
      } else {
        self.previousIndex = self.currentIndex
  destroy: function () {
  _setOption: function () {
    $.ui.selectable.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments)
