StarCraft 2 API from scratch

If you google something like "starcrfat 2 api bot" you definitelly will found some cool tutorials of how to create own bot

Personaly for me this one was a starting point into subject

I did managed to beat medium computer by terran marine maraudeur three barracks push with help op python-sc2

But as usual whenever it comes to a pythong it is like a seven rounds of hell with its duck typing

So my curiosity land me into trying to figure out how to utilize raw api in a first place with something strongly typed

Under the cover StarCraft exposes protobut api which is documented here

In followup examples I'm saving some notes of raw usage (without any fancy stuff, libraries, wrappers, etc) for it to become really clear how to get up and running

Starting StarCraft

Most of implementations are managing this aspect, there a different modes of how StartCraft may be started but at very minimum it requires to pass few flags to expose api

Also there is an important note of from where (working directory) StarCraft is launched, otherwise you will get Required library 'icuuc52.dll' does not exist

So, here is how StartCraft should be started:

cd "D:\Battlenet\StarCraft II\Support"
"D:\Battlenet\StarCraft II\Versions\Base86383\SC2.exe" -listen -port 8168 -displaymode 0 -windowwidth 1024 -windowheight 768 -windowx 0 -windowy 0


  • In my case StartCraft installed in non default path
  • You need to use Support as a working directory to deal with icuu
  • Minimal flags are -listen and -port, all other are self explanatory
  • If everything fine, black screen with StarCraft cursor will appear - it is ok, and means that we did everything correct

StarCraft Protobuf

Protobuf definitions can be found here just drop them to s2clientprotocol in the root of your project so C# will see them.

Now install few dependencies:

dotnet add package Grpc.Net.Client
dotnet add package Google.Protobuf
dotnet add package Grpc.Tools

And in your csproj file add:

    <Protobuf Include="s2clientprotocol/*.proto" GrpcServices="Client" />

After compiling project in obj/Debug/net6.0/s2clientprotocol you should see bunch of auto generated classes representing protocol

At the very end whole protocol is just about sending Request as an input and receiving Response as an output via web socket conntection


WebSockets are used to transit bytes to/from StarCraft

In my case I'm going to use dotnet, and here are some boiler plate examples:

var ws = new ClientWebSocket();
ws.ConnectAsync(new Uri("ws://"), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

We are expecting StartCraft to be started already (here you may wish to automate this and start it programmantically) but leaved such by intent to be as little as possible

Sending message:

var req = new Request { Ping = new RequestPing() };
await ws.SendAsync(req.ToByteArray(), WebSocketMessageType.Binary, true, CancellationToken.None);

Receiving response:

await using var ms = new MemoryStream();
    var buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[1024*1024]);
    var result = await ws.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None);
    if (buffer.Array != null)
        ms.Write(buffer.Array, 0, result.Count);
    if (result.EndOfMessage)
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var res = Response.Parser.ParseFrom(ms);

{ "ping": { "gameVersion": "", "dataVersion": "22EAC562CD0C6A31FB2C2C21E3AA3680", "dataBuild": 86383, "baseBuild
": 86383 }, "id": 0, "status": "launched" }

I did lied to myself, will need at least some kind of wrapper for further examples:

public class Client
    private readonly ClientWebSocket _clientWebSocket;

    public Client(ClientWebSocket clientWebSocket)
        _clientWebSocket = clientWebSocket;

    public async Task SendAsync(Request req) {
        await _clientWebSocket.SendAsync(req.ToByteArray(), WebSocketMessageType.Binary, true, CancellationToken.None);

    public async Task<Response> ReceiveAsync()
        await using var ms = new MemoryStream();
            var buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[1024*1024]);
            var result = await _clientWebSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None);
            if (buffer.Array != null)
                ms.Write(buffer.Array, 0, result.Count);
            if (result.EndOfMessage)
        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        return Response.Parser.ParseFrom(ms);

Starting game

Steps are described in sc2api.proto

Create game

await client.SendAsync(new Request
    CreateGame = new RequestCreateGame
        Realtime = true,
        LocalMap = new LocalMap
            MapPath = "D:/Battlenet/StarCraft II/Maps/Flat64.SC2Map"
        PlayerSetup =
            new PlayerSetup
                Type = PlayerType.Participant
            new PlayerSetup
                Race = Race.Terran,
                Type = PlayerType.Computer,
                Difficulty = Difficulty.Medium
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());
// { "createGame": { }, "id": 0, "status": "init_game" }

Join game

await client.SendAsync(new Request
    JoinGame = new RequestJoinGame
        Race = Race.Zerg,
        Options = new InterfaceOptions
            Raw = true,
            Score = true
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());
// { "joinGame": { "playerId": 1 }, "id": 0, "status": "in_game" }

In twenty seconds leave the game

await client.SendAsync(new Request { LeaveGame = new RequestLeaveGame() });


  • because we are not quit we can rerun program as many times as we want without restarting game itself
  • in case of error response will contain correspongind error enum and error details description

Before starting main loop we may want to receive game info:

await client.SendAsync(new Request { GameInfo = new RequestGameInfo() });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());

Which will contain some basic information about map, players, starting positions etc

TODO: how to decode data

Then we may want to retrieve "data"

await client.SendAsync(new Request { Data = new RequestData
    UnitTypeId = true
} });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());

You can pass much more flags to it, in returned response there will be dictionary for a unit types, e.g. for a Zerg worker:

  "unitId": 104,
  "name": "Drone",
  "available": true,
  "cargoSize": 1,
  "attributes": ["Light", "Biological"],
  "movementSpeed": 2.8125,
  "armor": 0,
  "weapons": [
      "type": "Ground",
      "damage": 5,
      "attacks": 1,
      "range": 0.100097656,
      "speed": 1.5
  "mineralCost": 50,
  "vespeneCost": 0,
  "foodRequired": 1,
  "abilityId": 1342,
  "race": "Zerg",
  "buildTime": 272,
  "sightRange": 8

Also in protobuf repository three is stableid.json with [ 'Abilities', 'Buffs', 'Effects', 'Units', 'Upgrades' ] keys and inside there the same drone will be { id: 104, name: 'Drone' } - it should be used as a part of code generation step, note that actual game data contains way more info which might be changed depending on concrete map

Main loop

Now when we started a game and grab all required info in a loop we are going to:

Observing game state

await client.SendAsync(new Request { Observation = new RequestObservation() });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());

This one will return huge structure with game state data, thats from where all libraries are aquiring all objects

Sending actions

Lets send first found worker attack somewhere

var firstUnit = observation.Observation.Observation.RawData.Units.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UnitType == 104);
var action1 = new Action
    ActionRaw = new ActionRaw
        UnitCommand = new ActionRawUnitCommand
            AbilityId = 23, // Attack
            TargetWorldSpacePos = new Point2D
                X = 40.0f,
                Y = 40.0f
            UnitTags = { firstUnit.Tag }
await client.SendAsync(new Request { Action = new RequestAction { Actions = { action1 } } });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());
// { "action": { "result": [ "Success" ] }, "id": 0, "status": "in_game" }

Note: that you can send more than one action per loop

At the very end most of existing libraries are set of helpers and utilities around all this

Few more notes

Image data

In game infor there is an image data for placement grid (where building can be build), path findings (where units can travel), terrain height

All three are just bytes arrays which might be converted to images like so:

// works for PlacementGrid and PathingGrid
var placementGridImage = new Bitmap(gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Size.X, gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Size.Y);
for (var y = 0; y < gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Size.Y; y++)
    for (var x = 0; x < gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Size.X; x++)
        var index = x + y * gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Size.X;
        var b = gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PlacementGrid.Data[index/8];
        var p = 7 - index % 8;
        var mask = 1 << p;
        var val = (b & mask) != 0;
        placementGridImage.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(val ? 255 : 0, val ? 255 : 0, val ? 255 : 0));

var terrainHeightImage = new Bitmap(gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Size.X, gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.PathingGrid.Size.Y);
for (var y = 0; y < gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Size.Y; y++)
    for (var x = 0; x < gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Size.X; x++)
        var index = x + ((gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Size.Y - 1) - y) * gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Size.X;
        var encodedHeight = gameInfo.GameInfo.StartRaw.TerrainHeight.Data[index];
        // var decodedHeight = -100.0f + 200.0f * encodedHeight / 255.0f;
        terrainHeightImage.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(encodedHeight, encodedHeight, encodedHeight));

Which will give us:




Also, while observing there is two more image data - one for visibility map and second for creep

Debug commands

Here an example of few debug commands which will allow us to control the game (aka recreate some situation)

await client.SendAsync(new Request { Debug = new RequestDebug { Debug =
    // disable fog of war (now observation will show us all units on the map)
    new DebugCommand { GameState = DebugGameState.ShowMap },
    // will allow us to send commands to any unit on the map
    new DebugCommand { GameState = DebugGameState.ControlEnemy },
    // create 40 worker
    new DebugCommand { CreateUnit = new DebugCreateUnit { Owner = 1, UnitType = 104, Quantity = 40, Pos = new Point2D { X = 40.0f, Y = 40.0f}} }
}} });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());

Displaying debug info

There are thre ways to have debug info right in the game

Send a chat message

await client.SendAsync(new Request { Action = new RequestAction { Actions = { new Action { ActionChat = new ActionChat { Channel = ActionChat.Types.Channel.Broadcast, Message = "Hello" } } } } });
Console.WriteLine(await client.ReceiveAsync());
// { "action": { "result": [ "Success" ] }, "id": 0, "status": "in_game" }

Draw a text on screen

await client.SendAsync(new Request
    Debug = new RequestDebug
        Debug =
            new DebugCommand
                Draw = new DebugDraw
                    Text =
                        new DebugText
                            Text = "Hello"
                        new DebugText
                            Color = new Color {R = 255, G = 0, B = 0},
                            Size = 24, // 8 default
                            VirtualPos = new Point { X = 0.5f, Y = 0.5f },
                            Text = "Hello World"


Note: text is persisten and will be overwriten on a next call

Draw some lines and boxes

await client.SendAsync(new Request
    Debug = new RequestDebug
        Debug =
            new DebugCommand
                Draw = new DebugDraw
                    Lines =
                        new DebugLine
                            Color = new Color { R = 255, G = 0, B = 0 },
                            Line = new Line
                                P0 = new Point { X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 20 },
                                P1 = new Point { X = 255, Y = 255, Z = 20 }
                    Boxes =
                        new DebugBox
                            Color = new Color { R = 255, G = 0, B = 0 },
                            Min = new Point { X = 24.0f, Y = 24.0f, Z = 10.0f },
                            Max = new Point { X = 28.0f, Y = 28.0f, Z = 16.0f },

Same story as with text, drawings wont dissapear until next drawn

Points are calculating from left bottom corner, and should be in range of map size, e.g. if we are on map with size 168 and 200 then points must be within this numbers

It was fun holidays, there is so much to discover, need to save it somewhere in repo