Timer for console batch operations
Here is screenshot:
Here is code for timer:
class Timer {
* @var float
protected $_currentIteration = 0;
* @var float
protected $_totalIterationsCount = 0;
* @var int
protected $_strLengthOfTotalIterationsCount = 0;
* @var float
protected $_microtimeStart = 0;
* @var float
protected $_microtimePrev = 0;
* @var int
protected $_percent = 0;
* @var float
protected $_secondsFromStart = 0;
* @var float
protected $_secondsFromPrev = 0;
* @var float
protected $_secondsPerIteration = 0;
* @var float
protected $_secondsTotal = 0;
* @var float
protected $_secondsRemain = 0;
* @param float $totalIterationsCount
public function __construct($totalIterationsCount) {
$this->_totalIterationsCount = $totalIterationsCount;
$this->_strLengthOfTotalIterationsCount = strlen($totalIterationsCount);
$this->_microtimeStart = $this->_getTime();
public function tick() {
$now = $this->_getTime();
$this->_secondsFromStart = $now - $this->_microtimeStart;
$this->_secondsFromPrev = $now - $this->_microtimePrev;
$this->_secondsPerIteration = $this->_secondsFromStart / $this->_currentIteration;
$this->_secondsTotal = round(($this->_totalIterationsCount / $this->_currentIteration) * $this->_secondsFromStart);
$this->_secondsRemain = round($this->_secondsTotal - $this->_secondsFromStart);
$this->_percent = round($this->_currentIteration / ($this->_totalIterationsCount / 100));
$this->_microtimePrev = $now;
$info = array();
//iteration info
$info[] = sprintf('[%' . $this->_strLengthOfTotalIterationsCount . 's/%s]', $this->_currentIteration, $this->_totalIterationsCount);
//percent info
$info[] = sprintf('[%3s', $this->_percent) . '%]';
//time per item
$info[] = '[' . $this->_pretifySeconds($this->_secondsPerIteration) . '/' . $this->_pretifySeconds($this->_secondsRemain) . ']';
//time remain
//$info[] = '[' . $this->_pretifySeconds($this->_secondsRemain) . ']';
//time total
//$info[] = '[' . $this->_pretifySeconds($this->_secondsTotal) . ']';
return implode(' ', $info);
private function _pretifySeconds($integer) {
$res = "";
$seconds = round(floatval($integer));
$minutes = 0;
$hours = 0;
$days = 0;
$weeks = 0;
if ($seconds / 60 >= 1) {
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
if ($minutes / 60 >= 1) { # Hours
$hours = floor($minutes / 60);
if ($hours / 24 >= 1) { #days
$days = floor($hours / 24);
if ($days / 7 >= 1) { #weeks
$weeks = floor($days / 7);
if ($weeks >= 2)
$res = $weeks . 'w';
$res=$weeks . 'w';
} #end of weeks
$days = $days - (floor($days / 7)) * 7;
if ($weeks >= 1 && $days >= 1)
$res = "$res, ";
if ($days >= 2)
$res = "$res $days" . 'd';
if ($days == 1)
$res = "$res $days" . 'd';
} #end of days
$hours = $hours - (floor($hours / 24)) * 24;
if ($days >= 1 && $hours >= 1)
$res = "$res, ";
if ($hours >= 2)
$res = "$res $hours" . "h";
if ($hours == 1)
$res = "$res $hours" . "h";
} #end of Hours
$minutes = $minutes - (floor($minutes / 60)) * 60;
if ($hours >= 1 && $minutes >= 1)
$res = "$res, ";
if ($minutes >= 2)
$res = "$res $minutes" . "m";
if ($minutes == 1)
$res = "$res $minutes" . "m";
} #end of minutes
$seconds = round(floatval($integer)) - (floor(floatval($integer) / 60)) * 60;
if ($minutes >= 1 && $seconds >= 1)
$res = "$res, ";
if ($seconds >= 2)
$res = "$res $seconds" . "s";
if ($seconds == 1)
$res = "$res $seconds" . "s";
return $res;
private function _getTime() {
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
return $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
Here is usage example:
$timer = new Timer(100);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
echo $timer->tick();
echo PHP_EOL;