XSD example
XSD (XML Schema Definition) - can be used to validate incoming xml.
Lets assume that we have next assumptions:
- Xml consists from zero or more items.
- Each item has required name, photo, tags, diameter, weight, price fields and one non required enum size field.
- Diameter, weight and price must be numeric, positive values.
- Price also must be decimal with two numbers after point.
- Photo field must contain valid url for image.
- Size field, if present, can be one of: Big, Small, empty.
Here is example of test xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Item 1</name>
<tags>Tag1, Tag2</tags>
<name>Item 2</name>
And here is commented xsd example for this xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- describing schema for sample xml -->
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="items"> <!-- root element will be <items> -->
<xs:complexType> <!-- it will be complex (there are complex and simple) -->
<xs:sequence> <!-- it will consists from sequence of other elements -->
<xs:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <!-- there will be zero or more <item> elements in sequence -->
<xs:complexType> <!-- they all have complex type -->
<xs:sequence> <!-- each of them will have next sequence of elements -->
<xs:element name="name" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="1"/> <!-- required (minOccurs="1") non empty (look for NonEmptyString at bottom) name field -->
<xs:element name="photo" minOccurs="1"> <!-- required photo with given pattern to validate urls for images -->
<xs:simpleType> <!-- this is example how to use additional restrictions for elements -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
<xs:minLength value="1" />
<xs:pattern value="http://.*(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)" />
<xs:element name="tags" type="NonEmptyString" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="diameter" type="xs:positiveInteger" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="weight" type="xs:positiveInteger" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="price" type="positiveDecimal" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="size" minOccurs="0" default=""> <!-- example of enum field -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="Big"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Small"/>
<xs:simpleType name="positiveDecimal">
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minExclusive value="0"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:simpleType name="NonEmptyString"> <!-- we can describe our types separately to reuse them later -->
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1" />
<xs:pattern value=".*[^\s].*" />
To check xml you can use xmllint tool: xmllint --noout --schema example.xsd example.xml
Or online tool like this: http://xsdvalidation.utilities-online.info/
Also there is bunch of tools to automatically create xsd from xml, one of them: http://www.freeformatter.com/xsd-generator.html